Quarterly Session Content:
- WHO’s definition of Mental Health
- What influences Mental Health?
- What are Mental Health conditions?
- Early warning signs of Mental Ill Health
- 10 Keys to a Mentally Healthy life
Quarterly (MH) Survey of staff:
- WHO checklist to evaluate
- Outcome based Trend analysis
Need based EAP(Employee Assistant Program)
- Prevention of Mental Illness
- Stress / hopelessness / procrastination
- Anxiety / Depression
- Work related stress
- Relationship management
- Women empowerment
- 10 Keys to a happier living
Tools & Techniques used in coaching:
Locus of control
Locus of Control Rotter (1966) defined locus of control as a ‘personality trait referring to a person’s stable beliefs about personal efficacy’. Tendency towards Internal locus of control & towards External Locus Of Control is measured here.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen Covey serves up a seven-course meal on how to take control of one's life and become the complete, fulfilling person one envisions. Understand & learn the techniques to fulfil your dreams.
Three Chair Exercise
Lets do some Mindful exercise alongwith people whom we trust and who really care for us. In this exercise we take you to an imaginary blissful beach to help you get all the answers to your problem statement.
Happy First
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
The word cognition simply means thought / perception. We provide here a totally drug free treatment. Our treatment is based upon the idea that your thoughts and attitudes – and not external events – create your feelings / mood.
50-75% | 45-60% | Effective Depression Treatment | Effective Anxiety Treatment |
ALGEE Mental Health First Aid Action Plan
Called 'ALGEE,' the Mental Health First Aid action plan includes: Assess for risk of suicide or harm Listen nonjudgmentally Give reassurance and information Encourage appropriate professional help Encourage self-help and other support strategies Assess for Risk of Suicide or Harm.
MHFA, India | Approved |
Happiness performance measurement
Once we find root cause of the problem we complete a major step so that a permanent solution can be provided. Then, mutually agreed upon SMART Goals are set and an implementation plan is put in meet the DO.
40min each | 3 weeks | 3 sessions | Total Duration |
What is coaching & when could you approach us?
“Unlocking a person’s potential to maximize his/her own performance” – Sir John Whitmore.
ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal & professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain & complex environment.
We provide coaching in the areas of relationship, conflict resolution, career enhancement, goal setting, self-confidence, work-life balance and all other related areas
What is counselling & when could you approach us:
5 steps of our counselling and coaching process:
To accomplish steps 1-5, we will need at least five, 40 minute sessions spread across 5 weeks.Rapport building / Chemistry session
Connection is the essence of counselling. This happens when the client feels that the counsellor genuinely cares about his/her well-being. Here the client finds respect & empathy. A safe environment is created here where clients feel comfortable to open up.
Agreeing on Desired Outcome
Agreeing on the problem statement & the Desired Outcome (DO): We gather information here in order to figure out what’s “really” going on so that we can derive the problem statement. We assess what needs to happen next in order to change the situation for the better or build up the client’s coping skills to better deal with this problem. What is desired? Is it a behavior change? Situation changes?
Identifying Root Cause
Find root cause of the problem : Identifying the root cause is a major step so that a permanent solution can be provided. Root cause will be identified through various CBT tools.
Set SMART Goals
Derive solutions using various CBT tools. Mutually Agreed Upon Goals and implementation plan : SMART goals will be agreed to meet the Desired Outcome. Various researches have established the fact that only when the client is in agreement with the goals & plan, will he/she take ownership, and follow through on them.
Endless Discovery
The implementation plan will be designed to prevent, intervene, or address unhealthy behavior and practices. The implementation plan identifies who will perform the activities, where the activities will occur, how frequently they will occur, how they will be carried out and when they will be carried out. Agree the number of sessions needed. Follow the plan patiently.